If you get my newsletter, you already know I have a new book coming out on March 23. That’s right, in less than two weeks, The Forager’s Pantry will be available world wide and I couldn’t be happier. (Well, ok, I could be happier if, say, the pandemic were over, if all the abandoned cats and dogs in the world found good families, if no one ever went hungry or unloved…but you get my drift.) This book is based on the concept of master recipes, so whatEVER you bring home from a foraging expedition, you’ll be able to make something delicious with it.
I’m a compulsive food-saver, left-over-user, don’t-waste-a-bite kind of person, and the idea of letting precious wild edibles sit, unappreciated, in the fridge makes me sad. With The Forager’s Pantry, that will never happen, because no matter what you bring home, you’ll have choices. If you expected to find curly dock and chickweed but come home with garlic mustard and stinging nettles, no worries! Turn to the Greens chapter and find a recipe that suits your mood. Were you hoping to make a loaf of cheesy bread spiced with sumac powder but instead found the mother lode of cow parsnip seeds? I’ve got you covered with instructions on how to substitute different herbs and spices in a variety of recipes.
You can pre-order The Forager’s Pantry now, on Amazon, or directly from my publisher, Gibbs-Smith. And if you do pre-order, take a screen shot of your receipt and send it to me, and I’ll send you a super-special, never-before-published recipe (nope, it’s not in the book). I’m not saying what it is, but it’s a dessert and it uses acorns and it’s very tasty indeed. You’ll find my email in the footer of this brand spanking new website, so just click and send.
And while we’re on the subject of this brand spanking new website, what do you think? I think she’s beautiful. Hats off to the team at The Garden of Words for an amazing job of design, inspiration, and hand-holding.
Hello Ellen!
This book looks wonderful and I’m going to reach out to buy a few signed copies. LOVE your new site – congratulations – xo Maree
Thank you Maree, I appreciate that!
The book is terrific: lush, practical, and appetite-teasing. A foraging, cooking, and food managing must have. I’m enjoying it immensely.
What temperature do I bake the power that? I don’t see it in the recipe.
Hi Heidi, There’s no recipe in this post, so I don’t know which recipe you’re asking about. Please give me the recipe title and I’ll do my best to help. Or go back and leave a comment on the post with the recipe and I’ll see it that way.