Usually, coming up with the perfect cocktail name is harder for me than coming up with the perfect cocktail. Not this time. This time the name came to me in a flash. As I picked both the berries and the milkweed flowers, I was painfully aware that I wasn’t the only mammal leaving foot prints in this field. Hence…the Bear Bait tequila cocktail!
You can make this drink with any berry, but I like it best with blackberries. They have a slightly stronger flavor than black raspberries, and while the seeds can be annoying, this cocktail is strained, so that won’t be an issue. And just because I like it best with blackberries doesn’t mean I won’t be making it with wineberries next week.
I first made the Bear Bait tequila cocktail with Cherry Heering liqueur, which I inherited from my teetotaling dad. Then, I found a bottle of homemade black raspberry liqueur stashed in the back of my pantry, and that was that! You may substitute cherry heering or a commercial blackberry liqueur.
The mezcal adds a hint of smokiness, and the milkweed cordial is just barely sweet with a hint of lime. Don’t have any milkweed soda on hand? Try a flavored seltzer instead.
What You’ll Need to Make One Bear Bait Tequila Cocktail
- 1 Tablespoon blackberries
- 1/2 ounce black raspberry liqueur
- 2 ounces tequila
- 1/4 ounce smoky mezcal
- 2 ounces milkweed cordial
What You’ll Do to Make One Bear Bait Tequila Cocktail
In a cocktail shaker, muddle the berries in the fruit liqueur. Add a few ice cubes, the tequila, and the mezcal, and stir the ingredients for about 30 seconds, then strain into a martini glass. Top with two ounces of milkweed soda.
Depending on where you live and forage, this cocktail may be in season when the days are getting a little shorter, and you may feel wistful that summer is winding down. Have a second cocktail and save the worrying for later.
Interested in another berry cocktail?
Check out this recipe for a Black Raspberry Bramble. You can make it with any fruit that tickles your fancy.
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