Spring is for elderflowers, and these blooms are good for a lot more than flower arrangements. As pretty as they are, the thing I like most about elderflowers is making elderflower champagne. The magic ingredient is the natural yeast in elderflower pollen. This allows for fermentation without adding packaged yeast.
Be sure to harvest your elderflowers during a dry spell. Rain washes away the pollen (and thereby the yeast), which means you’d probably need to add a package of champagne yeast to this recipe. It tastes just as good, but I get a little thrill out of knowing my beverage is naturally carbonated.
What You’ll Need to Make Elderflower Champagne (one gallon)
- 12 cups water
- 4 cups water
- 6 – 8 large clusters of unwashed elderflowers
- 2 Tablespoons cider vinegar
- 3 lemons, washed and thinly sliced
- 1 1/2 pounds sugar
What You’ll Do to Make Elderflower Champagne
Bring twelve cups of water to a rolling boil in a large pot, then remove from the heat and allow the water to come to room temperature.
In a saucepan, boil four cups of water, remove from the heat, and dissolve the sugar in it. Pour the resulting syrup into a clean, non-reactive bucket and let it cool to room temperature.
While the syrup cools, separate the elderflowers from their stems. Add them to the cooled sugar syrup, along with the sliced lemons, the cooled twelve cups of water, and the vinegar. Stir everything together, cover loosely with a dishtowel, and let it ferment for 4 – 5 days at room temperature.
Stir the brew once a day. By day three, you should notice small bubbles forming when you stir.
Collect five, one-liter soda bottles, then rinse and sterilize them. To do this, pour two teaspoons of bleach into each bottle, fill the bottle with water, shake it around, pour out the bleach solution, and rinse the bottles thoroughly.
After five days of fermentation, strain the elderflower liquid through a jelly bag, then funnel it into the sterilized bottles. Leave a few inches of air space at the top of each bottle and screw on the tops firmly. Squeeze the bottles to feel how flexible they are, and store them in a cool dark place for at least a week.
As the liquid continues to ferment it produces carbon dioxide, which builds up pressure in the bottles and forces the gas to dissolve into the liquid. The pressurized gas will be released as Champagne-like, fizzy bubbles when the bottle is opened. Check the bottles every day, gently squeezing on their sides. When they are rock-hard (no give at all beneath your fingers) they’re ready to be drunk. You can either move them to the refrigerator for immediate consumption or keep them in the dark until you’re ready. But elderflower champagne will keep for just a few weeks, so don’t wait too long.
Note: Pressure continues to build as the bottles sit, and left untended, they may explode. One July night I bolted awake, certain I’d heard a very loud noise. Finding no evidence of disaster, I chalked this one up to a dream state and went back to bed. The next day when I went down cellar, I found a sharp shard of thick, white plastic on the floor. Then I noticed the floor was sticky. When I checked my elderflower champagne bottles, two of the four had exploded, bursting the plastic bottles and their white screwcaps into pieces.
To avoid a repeat of that experience, once the bottles have reached the rock-hard state, I leak a little gas from them once a week. Loosen the cap for about three seconds, just enough to hear gas escape. Then tighten the cap and notice that you can once again feel a little give in the bottle. After a week the bottle is rock hard again and it’s time to repeat the process. Since I’ve started taking this precaution I’ve been explosion-free.
Solid particles settle out of the beverage and fall to the bottom of the bottle, so try not to shake the bottle around when pouring so as not to stir up the sediment. The sediment is harmless, but makes the beverage cloudy. When it’s time to open a bottle, you’ll need some patience. There’s a lot of carbonation in there and you’ll need to crack the bottle top just a smidge and let it sit in the sink while the gas escapes. Open it too far too fast, and the foam will overflow. What a sad, sad waste that would be.
Elderflower champagne is delicious on its own, or used as a cocktail mixer. I can’t think of anything else that tastes more like spring.
What do elder flowers look like?
I am in the process of making this now… it has been sitting for 3 full days, and has a thin layer of what looks like yeasty mold or something on top… is this fine, bad, ready to strain and bottle? Should I stir it in and keep going on the counter before bottling? It still smells good, not like it’s rotting at all…
Is the thin layer white? Green? Gray? If it’s white and smells good, I’d give it a stir and see if it’s still bubbly. If so, I’d go ahead and bottle it. If it’s green or gray, I’d strain the mix and let it sit another day. If it smells good, then I’d bottle and refrigerate. If it smells at all funky, I’m sorry but I’d toss it. Please let me know how it goes.
The layer was a warm whitish color. When I stirred it in, there are lots of bubbles on top (it seems like the bubbles are coming from the whitish stuff, not necessarily from within the brew itself)… and it smells sweet and lemony and lovely, not bad at all…
I think you’re fine. That warm, whitish layer is the fermenting yeasty pollen and it sounds like it’s just the way it’s supposed to be. Cheers!
Awesome… I tasted it, and it was just a bit effervescent, so I strained and bottled it… hope it wasn’t too early, but seems like it should work. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Don’t forget to check the bottles periodically and let some of the carbonation escape. I’ve only made that mistake once!
Ha! I’m sure it made an impression! I will be sure to do that- thank you so much for the reminder!
Hi ,
I have a question,
I have just reached day 5 or 6 of the ferment and it does fizz when I stir it .
Could I put this into swing top glass bottles instead of plastic ones ?.
Yes, you can, and I know several people who do. Just be sure to stay on top of letting the gas out of the bottles. It will be more difficult to know when to burp the bottles because you won’t be able to use the rigidity of the plastic as your guide.
I am about to begin making this for the first time and am really looking forward to sharing as a midsummer treat. We had a couple days of heavy rain as the elderflowers were beginning to bloom so I’ve given them another couple of days now of dry weather. Blooms still look great but I’m wondering if they will have enough natural pollen/yeast to accomplish the final product. Will find out, I suppose!
Hi Laura, if it doesn’t start to bubble after 2-3 days, try adding some yeast. I used to occasionally have to do this and liked champagne yeast best.
The couple dry days after the rain must’ve allowed them to produce their pollen again because lots of bubbles by day 3 and getting ready to strain and bottle today. Thanks for the guidance!